Gulaal Gotaa~ The artisans’ beautiful gift

By Arshnoor
Where the streets of the nation bustle with the spirit of Holi, in Jaipur, Holi is not merely a festival; it is a tapestry of tradition and exuberance, where gulaal and Gotaa intertwine to create a masterpiece of joy. The term ‘Gulaal Gotaa’ is unfamiliar to some, but not the people of Rajasthan! For the unfamiliar, it literally breaks down to Gulaal-colour and Gotaa- balls. The colourful lac balls have a rich heritage in Jaipur, the land of culture and tradition. They were and still are an integral part of royal families’ Holi celebrations. It is a traditional art form that has been kept alive by Jaipur’s skilled artisans (known as Karigars) for over 400 years. This unique craftsmanship beautifully complements the most colorful festival, Holi, in the best possible way. It may not be as famous as Uttar Pradesh’s Lath Maar Holi, but this beautiful way of treasuring the rich and varied heritage is amazing. It’s just like the ancient version of water balloons. For making these balls, lac and Firoza [traditional glue] are mixed together, when the consistency becomes pasty, the artisan takes a small amount of it, with the help of traditional phukni[ the steel rod] air is blown, and it takes the shape of a ballon. Filled with Gulaal, the lac ball gets ready. The only difference between the water balloons and Gulaal Gotaa lies that it does not hurt and is eco-friendly. You throw it, it won’t hurt!

The beauty of Gulaal Gotaa is not merely connected to the Holi festival, but to the beauty of our nation which lies in its secularism. Almost all the artisans who make these lac balls belong to the Muslim families. Manihaaron ka Raasta is a hub of artisans who have kept this tradition alive. Muslim artisans have been historically involved in the creation of them, showcasing the rich cultural exchange and collaborative craftsmanship that characterizes Indian festivals and traditions. These artisans bring their expertise and creativity to the production of Gulaal Gotaa, contributing to the vibrant and diverse tapestry of cultural heritage in India. It was Maharaja Sawai Singh who invited artisans and bangle makers to start living in Manihaaron ka Raasta and their benign legacy still continues to outclass Jaipur from other cities.
Gulaal Gotaas are a symbol of sustainable craftsmanship, it is not just about colours, but about the intermingling of diversity, keeping up the tradition and enduring the spirit of Rajasthan.

Wishing you all a very happy and prosperous Holi!

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